In this episode we sit down with Coach David Eldredge with Higher Meaning & Purpose. Coach David is an ELT Member with us at TW3 and has been helping others physically, emotionally, and spiritually for over 4 decades. I met Coach Dave at our 2018 ELT conference here in…
10 Ways to stay Encouraged by staying In Courage - Episode 235
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You know Negative Nancy is on the march and she’s taking prisoners with her. It’s not enough for her to be miserable, but she wants you miserable as well. In this episode I share 10 practical ways you can stay encouraged even in the face of discouragement.
The 5 laws of income growth and mind shift needed for true financial success - Episode 224
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In this episode I share an overview of a chapter in my book that covers the 5 laws of income growth. Many people will intellectually understand these principles but will fail to resonate with them on a gut level. In this episode I try to share some stories and practical ways to make these financial truths a reality and how that is possible.
What is a blog and how do you make money from it - Episode 217
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One of my new years resolutions this year is really trying to drill down more on the meaning of concepts, ideas, and strategies. Blogs and content creation are terms that you may have heard of many times, but do you really know what they are, how to make money from them, and how to use them? In this episode I try to drill down on:
How the Christmas story can revolutionize your money, business, and life - Episode 214
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Discover how understanding the context of the Christmas Story will allow you to earn & enjoy more in your personal and professional life. For many the story of Christmas is just a story, but for those who know the power in the story it is life changing. Today I want to share with you one of the most practical ways the power of this time altering story can revolutionize your day to day life. I dare you to really listen to this one.
Listen to a live sales call from today - 22 Clients spoken with - 3 sales for $3600 in commission - Episode 213
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The hardest thing about sales is feeling like you are pushing your message, value, or pitch onto someone. Even the most hard nose closers who are ready to sell to anyone will have higher conversion rates when the client is reaching out to them rather than being cold called by the sales agent.
In this episode I play a live call I had with a client who was 1 of 22 people I spoke with that day. Took me 3 hours to speak to 22 people who were calling me. Out of those 22 people I sold 3 of them which net me $3600 in commission. The other 19 I was able to help with another product, good, or service and still made money.
The webinar I referred to in the show is CLICK HERE to see.
After 200 Episodes what I've learned - Episode 200
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If someone would’ve told me that I would be producing webinars and podcast for a living a few years ago I would have thought they were crazy. I’ve always enjoyed speaking and teaching, but making a living by speaking into a microphone from home just seems too good to be true. After years of doing this and over 2800 reps who I’ve equipped to do the same I can say this is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had.
In this episode I cover a highlight of the last 200 episodes and show your our humble beginning in posting podcast.
How recruiters and consultants deal with the scam charge - podcast with
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If you’ve been in business for any period of time you are going to deal with a disagreement at some point. These usually happen because one parties expectations were not met. Understanding each parties expectations, managing them, and meeting them are crucial for any health business, relationship, or organization. In this episode I share an article I came upon questioning the validity of 90% of the charges of scam, and go into how to avoid these pit falls.
Help to cut your food cost down to nothing, or very little. podcast with
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Have you noticed how expensive food has become? Many people can get real help from not only government agencies, but private agencies to lower their food bill but are unaware of these programs. Did you know companies give food away all the time to keep their inventory fresh. Whether you are in dire straights, or would just like to control more of your food bill this program can help. I also go into how you can make a living helping other people just like me with their food bill, income needs, and other means. Learn now to help, and poor value into others and get paid.
Joy is the fuel for your motivation, the spark for your inspiration, and the payoff for your perspiration. It’s hard to get animated if you’re not motivated. This episode I cover how to find your joy again.
Watch the live webinar referenced in the show now with the link below: