How to fix your credit, grow your business, and stay focused on your success - Episode 229
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Having good credit is a must if you want to be able to grow your business. There are times you’ll need a marketing asset, tool, or business need that requires good credit. What you pay in interest in just about everything you do is based mostly on your credit. In this episode I share a resource that will help you improve your credit in less than 30 days.
I also cover the top 4 paying jobs of 2016 and how you are positioned to go beyond those wages if you leverage your passions.
Finally I share a deep frustration I have with some who are perpetual opportunity seekers. Many have what it takes in talent and passion but fall short in focus. I share a little on what I see and how to avoid this.
Sometimes it takes a face to face meeting - Episode 219
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I believe podcasting and my webinars are responsible for 99.9% of my business, but there are some things that just take a face to face. While I enjoy the comforts of working from home, and the ability to scale my business through digital online marketing tools and assets, they can not replace the energy & electricity of a live meeting.
In this episode I share how I intend to help people this year take their business to the next level through offering a special conference in March.
What is a blog and how do you make money from it - Episode 217
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One of my new years resolutions this year is really trying to drill down more on the meaning of concepts, ideas, and strategies. Blogs and content creation are terms that you may have heard of many times, but do you really know what they are, how to make money from them, and how to use them? In this episode I try to drill down on:
What to do when you are struggling in your business and sales are low - Episode 209
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Have you ever hit a dry spell? Have you ever had a time where nothing seemed to be working and money was getting tight? This episode is for you. In this show I share some hard lessons that took me forever to learn but are tried and true. If you are an entrepreneur, dream chaser, or business owner who would like some straight talk on what you can do to improve your business then stay tuned.
7 keys to breaking away from the shiny object syndrome - Episode 205
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The great thing about the Internet is that it allows easy and quick set up of a business with relatively low start up costs. The downside is you now have people with no idea of marketing or business trying to make money. That’s a recipe for disaster.
One common issue new people starting out online is distraction by “shiny objects”. Just like a real shiny object distracts the mind of a child off the task at hand, the Internet marketing “shiny object” distracts the would be entrepreneur from proper business foundations.
The problem with shiny objects is that they are not long term solutions. It would be great if you found a way to exploit Google’s algorithm… until they changed it. And then what? You are back to square one and you can start your “business” all over again.
Don’t get me wrong I am not saying all things we buy are shiny objects. My TW3 Platform ® has been something that has saved me countless hours and money because it’s ease of use, but it would be worthless if I didn’t know my market and how to effectively communicate with them and establish relationships with them.
7 Keys to growing healthy sustainable business and avoiding the shiny object syndrome
What a turkey can teach you about recruiting top talent - Episode 204
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If you are wanting to build a strong business then it requires strong people. Show me any failing business and I can show you a failure in hiring and deploying the right people. In this episode I share one of my favorite episodes of WKRP and give 5 traits to look for in top producers.
10 Simple Ways to Improve and Keep a Positive Attitude - Episode 203
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I know it is tempting to write anyone off when they begin to speak about a positive attitude. So much has been said about the topic and for some it rings hollow. A positive attitude is not an attempt to deny a challenging reality but a decision to put into perspective the good and the bad. In this training I give 10 simple ways to to improve and a keep a positive attitude.
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After 200 Episodes what I've learned - Episode 200
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If someone would’ve told me that I would be producing webinars and podcast for a living a few years ago I would have thought they were crazy. I’ve always enjoyed speaking and teaching, but making a living by speaking into a microphone from home just seems too good to be true. After years of doing this and over 2800 reps who I’ve equipped to do the same I can say this is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had.
In this episode I cover a highlight of the last 200 episodes and show your our humble beginning in posting podcast.
Leads are the lifeblood of any business. If you don’t have leads, you don’t have a business. In this episode I cover 3 values that leads will bring to your business
Make money even when the client says no, here's how - Episode 190
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Sales is tough when done the traditional way, but in this episode I am going to show you how even if you are the worse sales person in the world you can make money, have fun, and enjoy your job if in sales. See how you can take the pressure out of sales, give more value, and have a ball while your earning money no matter what the client decides.