The challenges of working from home –

If you ask anyone in America would they like to work from home, 99.9% who respond would say yes! Out of those, 80% would say it with a lot of enthusiasm, but with guarded expectations as they just don’t see how it would be possible. For some even worse they’ve been burnt by these online get rich quick schemes and scams for so long they’ve simply given up.

The reality is you can work from home, and make not only a good income, but an incredible income. However there are some real challenges to working from home, and working in a home based business. In this webinar I share with you the challenges I’ve had, and how I, and others were able to overcome those challenges. Feel free to ask me questions below.


After the webinar we had a live Q&A that I though was very informative. Here is the recording of that Q&A. Feel free to post your questions below here if you have other questions.


2 thoughts on “The challenges of working from home –

  1. Tracey

    Thank you so much for all your important information. And very insightful I would love to become a rep member on or about New Year’s eve because I should have the 497 but I need to see if I can pay part with a debit card and part with a credit card please let me know if that method will be feasible.

    Thank you Mr Wilson I can’t wait to start this new venture .

    Tracey Bailey

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Tracey –

      We look forward to working with you. When you are ready to enroll simply go to You can put a secondary card in the note section and tell the admin staff how you want the billing divided.

      Merry Christmas!

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