Episode 467 – Memorial Meanings from Terry Wilson

Episode 467 - Memorial Meanings from Terry Wilson

The Biggest Meanings I take from Memorial Day


While working out this morning I began to think about Memorial Day and the importance of it. As I really started to meditate on the meaning of a memorial I quickly began to appreciate not only why a memorial is important but a necessity for any community, culture, or country to thrive.


This past week I was privileged to be part of a group that wanted to take a moment and offer me a “memorial” for being part of their community. This time and the thoughts that were shared quickly illustrated to me why we all need to be part of a community that just doesn’t tolerates us but celebrates us. 

So in this podcast above I wanted to share with you the 3 major thoughts about the importance of today and encourage and invite you to be part of a community that will help you not only survive but thrive. 

Hope you enjoy!

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