Episode 307 – I Don’t Love Money, I Just Hate Poverty

Episode 307 - I Don't Love Money, I Just Hate Poverty

I received an email from a lady that I am sure means well, but thought I was promoting the love of money. Because she knew I was a minister and a Christian she wanted to take issue with me. However I told her in my response, “It’s not money I love, it’s being broke and poor that I hate.” I love my wife and my children. I love my church and my community. Money is nothing more than a tool to support, help, and provide for the people I do love.

In this episode I share briefly about that as well as my story of how an entrepreneur and small business owner who was deeply impacted by the Rev Billy Graham had a huge impact on me. This lead me to offer “Legacy” as our Word of the Week. CLICK HERE to check it out.

Also offer some resources in this episode to help you grow and manage your business:

terrywilson3.com/ringcentral as a great resource for a business phone

terrywilson3.com/postajob as a great way to recruit, hire, and generate leads for your business

terrywilson3.com/freebook to get a free audio book from Tai Lopez, John Lee Dumas, John Maxwell, Tony Robbins, or any of your favorite authors.

terrywilson3.com/apply to start working with Terry or to see hourly and salary opportunities he offers

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