Episode 344 – Winning in 2019

Episode 344 - Winning in 2019

Just forget about resolutions! The stats on resolutions are atrocious. Let’s just talk about winning. There are proven, measurable, obtainable ways to win and win consistently. What does Dean Smith, Bobby Cox, Phil Jackson, Vince Lombardi, and John Wooden have in common? They win and not only sometimes, but often. These coaches styles, personalities, philosophies and strategies are very different, but one skill set that they all have allows them to win. They know how to learn from both their wins and their losses. Guy Kawasaki said one time, “sometimes I win and sometimes I learn.” You want to win? Learn from those times you didn’t.

In this episode I cover some of our lessons of 2018 that we learned from. We had a lot of wins in 2018. The past quarter had our personal business over $120 in just the last quarter, but we also had some things to learn from too. We discuss that and tons more.

The link to the top 10 things I learned in 2018 CLICK HERE


    1. terrywilson3.com/ecover
    2. terrywilson3.com/badcredit
    3. terrywilson3.com/freebook
    4. worthmoreconference.com

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