Welcome to terrywilson3.com. The show that is motivated, dedicated, and animated by seeing individuals take their God given skills and talents and use them for the betterment of themselves, their families, and society. Yes ladies and gentlemen this is a little corner of the podcast universe that promotes, celebrates, takes pleasure in strong, rugged, individualism. BUT PLEASE BE WARNED – If you have been infected by excuses or plagued by apathy you may find some our shows content offensive and maybe even obnoxious at times. But let me encourage you. Take a deep breath and listen to how others just like you have overcome their own setbacks, downturns, and overwhelming odds. If they can, if I can, if anyone can, then so can you. Why? You Are Worth More!
Tonight we are talking about the 3 major advantages that any entrepreneur will have if they make strategic connection that are so critical for their success. We’re going to be opening that up, and talking about that in just a minute.
Join us at the You Are Worth More Conference March 19 – 21 in Greenville, SC. Get your tickets now by clicking here or going to worthmoreconference.com