Grow & Thrive in your business – Webinar with #terrywilson3

Post questions below in the comment area. Thank you for taking the time to attend my webinar. Remember we have ways to start at $0.00 and we have ways you can start as a franchise rep for only $19 per mo. Follow the link in the webinar to enroll into any program you see that you think would be a fit.

14 thoughts on “Grow & Thrive in your business – Webinar with #terrywilson3

  1. Michele

    Hello! I have applied for financial help with franchising and I was turned down as well as shoved off since there were loans for preexisting businesses but I haven’t started this since I’m not a franchisee yet.
    what can I do?

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      If you have paypal they will actually allow you to set it up in small monthly payments, or do a deferred payment. Simply log into paypal into your account. Get approved, and then come back to the enrollment page using their debit card, or have the funds transferred to your personal account and use your debit card. I’ve seen payments for our $497 package for as low as $19 per mo.

  2. Barbara

    Hi Terry,

    I’m interested in purchasing the call center package for $497.00. What other costs are affiliated with this package? How soon does someone get up and running to earn income? When will the $97.00 License fee be due/or what day of the month? I live on monthly income.

    How much does it cost to set up a merchant account? Do you have to have a merchant account to conduct business? Do you offer other choices to get paid besides the merchant account?

    For your records how is this reported to the IRS?, will I receive a 1099 at end of year?

    I’m very excited about this call center opportunity.
    Thank You,
    Ms. Barbara Brown

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Barbara-

      The $97 comes out a month from when you first enroll. There are merchant accounts that we offer. 1 doesn’t cost anything, but has a higher transaction fee, and pays out on Fridays. The other cost $19 per month, pays out daily, and has a smaller transaction fee.

      Taxes are not taken out so you would need to file at the end of the year with the 1099 given by the merchant account.

      Hope that helps!


  3. Steve James

    How do I make sure I can attend these meetings in the future? How do i send these meetings to my franchisee agents and prospects? Do I Get these invitations on Thursdays for the next week?

  4. Barbara Brown

    Hi Terry,

    I’m trying to enroll in your Franchise Program for $497 with my visa card. I’ve tried to enroll Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome.

    You are my sponsor, I’m on your website.

    Awaiting your response please.

    Thank you,
    Ms. Barbara Brown

  5. Randal

    As a Call Center Agent, can I use this webinar to put in my autoresponder to send to my leads along with sales page or no?

  6. Barbara Brown

    Hi Terry,

    I purchase the Franchise on June 11th, 2015. Please give me the dates and times when training is available. I have a few questions I’d like to ask.

    I appreciate your promptness-:)

    Thank You,
    Ms. Barbara Brown

  7. Barbara Brown

    Hi Terry,

    I hope you’re well today would you please send me an invitation for the webinar on Monday June 22, 2015. I partnered with your Franchise on June 12, 2015.

    I’m not taking calls as of yet I still need to be on call.

    Thank You,

    Ms. Barbara J. Brown

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