How to get paid to blog – Live Training with Terry Wilson – Jan 18th 9pm EST

So you’ve probably heard about these people who simply stay at home, run a blog, and get paid. How do they do it? How do they get paid simply to post articles online? Do you have to even be able to write in order to get paid to blog? If you have ever dreamed about making a living by working from home, then you will want to see this webinar.

After the webinar I took live questions. Here is the recording of that session



13 thoughts on “How to get paid to blog – Live Training with Terry Wilson – Jan 18th 9pm EST

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Alan –

      The affiliate access package give you access to take inbound calls from our call center, and access to our support team in your back office. No software, or systems come with this package. You are paid at the affiliate pay scale of $100, $150, and $300 just like a regular affiliate however you are able to take inbound calls instead of cold calling.

      TW3 Support

        1. terrywilson3 Post author

          Hi Erica –

          Of course when it comes to sells various agents will have various results. However on average our agents generally close 1 sell per 25 clients they work with. So if the goal was to make 1 sale a day the average agent would want to work with 25 clients. Because you have the very tools, technology, and training to drive your own inbound calls as an agent you have the ability to speak with as many leads per day as you want.

          See more information on compensation schedules, average earnings, turn around times, and other important information at

        1. terrywilson3 Post author

          Hi Omprakash –

          The way our members are able to take inbound calls within our call center is using the very product that they are selling and training others on. We have a marketing system, software, and platform that if used the way we show you will generate you unlimited inbound calls to be able to generate leads for the re-sell of our system, software, and services. You can also use these tools to generate leads for other businesses you may have as well as leads for our Referral Marketing Partners that will pay you per lead.


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