I have the greatest clients in the world!

A letter from a client changed my day!

An attitude of gratitude is unstoppable 

I think it was Zig Ziglar that coined the phrase that, “an attitude of gratitude will take you to new altitudes!” I know this thank you letter I received from a wonderful client made my day and lifted my spirits into a whole new atmosphere. 

I know if you are like me you don’t seek recognition nor praise. However when someone you’ve served takes time and money out of their day to express appreciation it is the greatest feeling in the world. Today I had the most incredible experience receiving a nice letter and gift from a wonderful client that just made my day!

Gratitude convicts 

The other benefit I received immediately from this kind gesture is the conviction to do and give more. Not just as an act of reciprocity to the giver but really to everyone. The first thought I had was, I don’t express gratitude enough.

Thank you Michael, you made my day and convicting me to be better!

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