Listen to what reps of Terry say when they call in on a live training

With all of the hype you read online, and the over promises that are made it’s very difficult sometimes as a consultant, coach, or trainer to reach people who are justifiably jaded. I like several people who look for a legit way to earn money are sick of the snake oil salesman, and prophets of puffery.

During a live training I was doing on how people can earn money from home without having to sell anything, cold call, or get mixed up with the typical work from home junk some reps decided to call in, and offer their experience. Listen to what they said, both the good & the bad.

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2 thoughts on “Listen to what reps of Terry say when they call in on a live training

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Jimmy –

      It depends on which program you join. We offer products from several different industries to promote using our software, and the very system you can use to promote these various products can be sold in our call center to other entrepreneurs, job seekers, and lead generation clients who have a business needing to be promoted. You can see many of the frequently asked questions at You can also see a training Terry did on our call center biz opportunity at

      TW3 Team

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