Quit your day gig with these 10 mind shifts – terrywilson3.com


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There was a time in my life when I felt physically sick just thinking about spending 8 or more hours each day in an office cubicle.

The memories are still heavily imprinted on my mind — hour long commutes, stressed faces, subtle groans, piles of paperwork, 60 minute lunches, daunting deadlines … and me, sitting there behind my stark white cubicle wall.

The worst of it? Knowing I was meant for something more.

 I remember thinking: “There’s no way I can start a business without the time, money or resources I have working as a full-time employee.


Until I developed the right mindset, I would be stuck. But when I changed my thinking, it literally made the decision to quit my day job a no-brainer.

 I knew that in order to change my outside circumstances, my inside circumstances needed to shift.


I know that if I knew then what I know now, I would definitely have done things differently.

 This is an inside look at what you need to know to develop the mindset to quit your day job and build a business doing what you love.

1. Show up!

Make a decision and commit to achieving what you really want. This decision means everything. When you show up for yourself, your business will show up for you.

2. Know your ‘why’.

Know the why behind your business. Intention matters. Your business needs to be intentional if you plan to create anything. Who do you want to serve and why? With intention comes inspired action.

3. Understand your worth.

Know you’re worthy and have something unique to contribute that sets you apart from everyone else. Own that space. It’s where your magic lives.

4. Cultivate self-confidence.

Cultivate confidence by doing the work. Practice makes progress. “Entrepreneurs with healthy self-esteem practice becoming more self-aware and actively seek ways to develop themselves. In short, you must become emotionally agile and emotionally intelligent.” Show up and put yourself out there.

5. Define success.

What does success look like on your own terms? Success is not external, but an internal shift that honors the bigger why behind your vision.

6. Stop ‘people pleasing’.

Detach from everyone’s expectation of you. A transition of any kind is not only an adjustment for you, but for the people closest to you too. Thank them for their input, send them love and continue doing what feels right and good.

7. Be your own brand.

Your business is not meant to be a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all version of everyone else. It will be successful because it’s authentic to you and your vision.

8. Create mental space.

Instead of tackling every task on your to-do list first thing in the morning, ease into your day by creating a morning ritual that feels good. For example, 10-15 minutes of quiet reflection each morning allows you to get your head in the game.

9. Be vulnerable.

When you’re vulnerable, you give others permission to be vulnerable with you. People will then feel safe and comfortable working with you.

10. Remain curious.

Curiosity is your super-power. Curiosity leads you to your passion and your passion leads you to your purpose.


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