Using Ai to market real estate through social media

Easy Real Esate Marketing

If you are in the real estate business then you are in the marketing business. Unfortunately, how to create compelling content for social media marketing wasn’t on the state exam. That’s how we can help at TW3.

We turn realtor’s and brokers who are experts in the real estate business into online marketing experts. Our platform is designed for the small business owner and professional to be able to use and master in a very short time period.

Live realtor social media webinar training

I had the privilidge of working with an incredible real estate company in the upstate this week. The above recording is an excerpt from a 1 hour training I did with them to show them the tools and techniques here at TW3 could explode their real estate agency here in Boiling Springs, SC.

Using Ai in real estate marketing

What you will see in the webinar is how I used Ai to not only generate compelling text for social media post, but I also was able to generate graphics and schedule the post across multiple social media platforms as well.

These tools are game changers because they make marketing your business more accessible and more effective quickly. No longer are you as a small business owner, agency owner, or independent sales person beholden to the quality you can afford in out sourcing these task. With a click of a button your hot real estate listing be posted with a professional and appealing call to action.

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