Welcome to episode 476! Tonight we’re talking with Valerie Williams of TW3Radio.com You can hear Valerie’s show, “Dimensional Income Streams,” every Thursday Night at 6PM Eastern Time on tw3radio.com Tonight’s show is about, “ Taking the mystery out of sales.”
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Now tonight we’re talking about taking the mystery out of sales. You know until you understand something, anything you want to do, or admire we’ll seem mysterious. Have you ever seen a magic trick, a musical performance, an athletic feat, or some amazing thing you admire just seen mysterious?
Questions from Show:
- I want to do something on my own to start my own business. I’ve been dreaming about it for years. However I’m just nervous that I’ll invest a lot of time, energy, and money with little to no return. I tried a health and wellness MLM 10 years ago did nothing but buy tons of product, go to a lot of meetings, and loose tons of money. Sorry to be a skeptic but I am.
- I need leads for my clothing business that I’ve started. Will this help and how?
- I spoke to a rep 2 years ago but the time wasn’t right? I want to get started but they’re no longer in the business. How can I start?
Links from Show:
See Valerie Williams on tw3radio.com every Thursday Night at 6pm and her site at valeriew.terrywilson3.net
Join the TW3 Network at terrywilson3.com/start
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