Captive Insurance agent breaks away from the business

Selling insurance is tough. Selling life insurance is not only tough, but an art. It’s not really the selling of insurance that is so hard, but the getting in front of the right people in order to offer the product. Let’s face it, everyone needs insurance, but getting people to take the time to sit down with you can be hard. What can an agent do?

Most insurance agents typically come on with an agency that offers them a captive contract, but will give them a book of business, or means to get leads. Unfortunately the leads these companies provide are horrible, and more than likely been over worked. However a lot of agents will sacrifice a good contract, and the freedom to be an independent agent just so they have a lead source.

captiveagentThat’s the story of Jeremiah in Atlanta. He worked for a well known IMO that took over 70% of his contract for the “privilege” of being able to buy leads from them. When he discovered he could make 120% on a life policy instead of 50%, and he could generate his own leads with a push of a button rather than buy them he was bit excited to say the least. On his first day of using our lead gen system he called back in and left this voicemail in our office. Listen to Jeremiah by clicking here.

He’s not the only one that has found great success in the past couple of weeks. Here is a note that an agent in FL just sent us through FB too.


If you would like to see the very system that this agent, and that Jeremiah is using go the demo page here. (click here)


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