You are losing money buying leads
The reason for this is simple. There are things you have to know in order to generate a quality lead. ANYONE can generate a name, number, and email, but a QUALITY LEAD that wants, can afford, and ready to buy a product, good, or service you offer is a quality lead. So think about this question. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW TO GENERATE A QUALITY LEAD?
You have to know about the product, the “type” of people who can and want to buy it, and how to reach them. So let’s go a step further. IF YOU KNOW ABOUT THOSE 3 THINGS then why would you resell that data to someone rather than just sell them the product you are able to generate a lead for? You obviously are familiar enough with the industry that you probably know how to get and resell the product yourself as well? The sale of the product HAS TO BE MORE PROFITABLE than selling the lead data to someone else, right? Who would pay more for a lead then what the re-sell of the product actually paid?
That is why the lead generation business has been and forever will be a shell game. THE ONLY WAY to make money in ANY BUSINESS is to have the tools and techniques to generate your own leads. Once you can do that you will have higher quality leads that will have higher conversion rates. Then you will have control over cost in new client acquisition, and my favorite part……. A WHOLE NEW REVENUE STREAM!!! HOW????
Remember, when you generate leads most of them are not going to be high quality. So what do you do with them? Sell them 10, 20, 40 different times to the line of lead buyers standing in line to hand people money for a lead. AND THAT’S HOW the lead generation companies make their money. By reselling lower quality leads multiple times over to willing buyers. Why not be on the other side of the table in that business? 🙂
If you are new to online marketing and lead generation, or you would like to see the latest tools and techniques that are highly effective, then I have developed a course that currently I’m offering for free. In this course I show how clients of mine are earning $1k+ per day online. I show the tools they are using, some techniques that are easy, and even different products that cost nothing to resell. Go to listgoboom.com for more info