How to stop chasing money, and become money

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If you are like most people, and entrepreneurs specifically a large amount of time is spent in earning money to provide for family, business, and life. The average person will spend 8.9 hours a day working at their job according to the Department of Labor statistics. This represents roughly 38% of  a persons day, and 56% of their time when awake, after all you have sleep sometime?

giantwithinThe idea of becoming money, rather chasing it occurred to me when I started studying a book by Tony Robbins entitled, “Awaken the Giant Within“. This is a great book for anyone who would like to invest more into their personal improvement. In it Tony covers a wide range of topics, but the common theme through the whole book is you will not reach your full potential, you will not find true contentment, nor will you earn the income your capable of until you start doing what you are both passionate about and proficient in. You can download a free audio copy of Tony’s copy by clicking here and using our affiliate link.

The challenge many have is how do they take what they love to do and monetize it. How do you put a paycheck in your passion as the cliche’ goes? A few months ago I did a training on how anyone can monetize their message. Why do I say message? Because everyone has one. Everyone has a story to tell, an experience that will bring value to someone.

When you discover your purpose & passions you transform into money. Money is nothing more than an icon for value. It’s the value that money represents that buys and sales things, not the money itself. When you start engaging in the areas of life that leverages your purpose by utilizing your passions & proficiencies you leave the realm of seeking money/value and you become money/value. However that’s not the best part of discovering this life lesson. In business this places you in a position of being sought after rather than seeking for.

How much time have you spent trying to chase clients, find customers, and pester everyone you know for time to offer your product, good, or service. Why not flip the script? Why not have clients chase you rather than chasing them? You can do it, and it’s not that difficult. Watch this 30 min training here where I show you how you can leverage just a few simple tools, convey the value within rather than seek after value outside.

Like money you have value no matter the condition, history, or crispness. You maybe hot off the press, or crinkled, wrinkled and stowed away. The value is not based on the condition.

I encourage you today to get off the sideline of life and start pursuing things in life that your passionate about, and have a proficiency to do.

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