Les Brown explains why it’s crucial for you to pursue your dream

For many people that have tried and failed the thought of dreaming is offensive to their senses. To try and fail, and tasted disappointment is a soul crushing blow, but the minute you stop dreaming, the moment you stop hoping, the very second you decide to quit you lose. You lose not only your dream, not only your drive, but your purpose.

We’ve all been put here for a reason. No one offered the gift of life was placed here for no reason. Every pain, pressure, or past failure a person has experienced was placed as a gift to refine, and define a persons purpose & passion to pursue it. The problem is many people quit before they ever are able to realize the fruit of their labor.

Les Brown in this brief video offers a reason why you must dream. You have to dream. You were designed to dream. Not only dream, but dream big! I dare you!


2 thoughts on “Les Brown explains why it’s crucial for you to pursue your dream

  1. Travis Williams

    Hello Terry , I couldn’t open Les Brown short clip from my phone and I just got a WiFi networks , I have tried a few things over time , one thing that seem to make you stand out is that you seem sincere about changing others lives as I am , I am sitting here relying on my faith facing the choice of keeping my place or car , and I started a nonprofit organization for homeless veterans . I was in an car accident , it change my career , and saying have been tough , I understand that you are from the upstate of South Carolina , I’m a South Carolinain , and I would like to meet you if that is possible , get a call , or something . if this is what it is demonstrated to be , then it could be what I have been waiting for ( A honest (real) person with a legitimate business that is what/everything they say it is. Travis Williams

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Travis –

      You can reach Terry by calling his toll free number and dialing ext 1. He is out of the office on vacation until Feb 1, but will return your call when he gets back in. If you would like to speak with someone sooner let us know and we can send you an ext to another rep in his biz.


      TW3 Team

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