What is your online health score?

Better health means LOW COST discoverability!

The better your online heath is, the more you are going to be found naturally in any and all searches. No matter if your client is on google, bing, or social media. If you have a higher online health score the algorithms without fail will put you further at the top of the search results.

3 ways to improve your online health immediately

  1. Make sure your business is listed in all of the available directories correctly. Many times you are listed but there are discrepancies from listing to listing that makes your search discoverability suffer greatly. 

  2. Make sure you’ve claimed your GMB. It’s free, easy, and imperative for you to do. Why? If you don’t someone else will and having your online brand owned by somone else while unethical in most cases is not illegal. You’re basically allowing your business, it’s reputation, and client base to be hi-jacked without claiming your GMB.

  3. Get lots of positive reviews. The best thing you can do for your business is have a lot of your customers posting 5 star reviews about your business. With our reputation management service we make that easy.

Owning and managing a small business is not for the faint of heart. The online marketing side of it, because it is very mysterious to most people is fraught with bad execution, wrong solutions, and a market for nefarious actors. If you would like a free online health review to see where and what you can do to get immediate results let us know.

We’ve helped over 5000 small business owners from around the world. I’d love to help you in your small business get your online health score up so your expenses can come down.

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