Understanding what drives stress and feelings of being overwhelmed
I’ve heard it said that no one makes it out of this life alive and after 25 years of being an entrepreneur, 5 home schooled children, and a mortgage and marriage I can see why. 😀 lol
Seriously though you can be doing everything right and life is going to happen at times. As the insurance commercial from Allstate illustrates, mayhem happens.
So here are a few things to do when you are feeling overwhelmed by the challenges we all face at times.
Make sure it’s not self inflicted? – No one ever wants to admit fault, but it’s not about who’s at fault, it’s a matter of getting the issue that is causing the stress resolved. Read 5 Self Defeating Things People Do CLICK HERE to see and check to find areas where you can help yourself.
Is the stress financially related? – One of the biggest cause of stress and the lead cause of divorce is financial issues. There are hundreds of things to look at in this area but I found that income growth coupled with money management strategies can go a long way in relieving many of these pain points. CLICK HERE are see a training I did on The 5 Laws of Income Growth
Develop a Stronger Sense of Self-Awareness – Most people think they know themselves, but they really don’t. We all make assumptions based on the behavior we see ourselves exhibit, but understanding the driving force and cause of that behavior will go a long way in modifying, correcting, reinforcing, and, or changing behavior and thought processes. CLICK HERE to see a training on Self-Awareness
A great personal development resource to consider is our coaching & training package.
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