Episode 389 – Persistance verses Resistance

Episode 389 - Persistance verses Resistance

Interviewing Captain Quackenbush

Tonight we are talking about the persistence it takes to be successful in anything you do. No matter what it is you want, if it’s worth having there is going to be some resistance to getting it.

Tonight I’ll be interviewing one of our top trainers and coaches who joined us a couple of years ago. You are going to hear his story of how he had to overcome some just incredible obstacles to not only thrive but just to survive. That interview is coming up in just a few moments.


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Listening to great business leaders, thought leaders, and wealth creators. You are what you surround yourself with. That’s why I listen to people like:

  • John Maxwell
  • Les Brown
  • Tony Robbins
  • Dan Miller
  • Seth Godin
  • Zig Ziglar
  • Frank Kerns
  • And tons of others

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Speaking of great leaders and wealth creators, one of my favorite authors and leaders of all time wrote something very profound about knowledge that to this day is the key for anyone that wants to develop themselves, create more value, and accomplish everything their potential will afford them. He said this in regards to using knowledge, “the ability to use knowledge for gain comes from listening and heeding the varying perspectives of experts within a given field.” You may recognize this advice under the old English version, “wisdom comes from a multitude of counsel.” However not all advice is created equal.

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