How to create informational videos really cheap for your product or services

If you sell a product online or offer a service the best marketing tool you can use is video. Don’t get me wrong I love podcasting and I love blogging, but video is the most powerful way to engage an audience.

I have used video to sell:

  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Coaching Products
  • Job & Business Opps
  • Events
  • SEO Services
  • Sports
  • Training

And tons more! If you are using opt in pages, lead pages, or capture pages then the best way to get an audience there and to opt in is with video.

A good informational video tells your audience that:

  1. You are a real person
  2. You can be trusted
  3. Who you are personality wise
  4. Why they can do business with you

If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then a moving picture has to be worth a million. In the training below below I show how easy and affordable it is to create your own video.

In the training below I show:

  1. How to put together an info video cheap
  2. Step by step of how easy it is
  3. Why you don’t have to be technical to do it
  4. Where to go and what to use


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