A Shark from The Shark Tank explains the 3 stages of success

A Shark from The Shark Tank explains the 3 stages of success

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Like many entrepreneurs one of my favorite shows to watch is The Shark Tank, where hopeful entrepreneurs can present their product(s), good(s), or service(s) in front of a shark in order to try and win an investment from them. There are beautiful, and heart warming success stories, and there are examples of absolute defeat and what not to do. In either case there are great lessons to learn.

In an episode of the shark tank filmed back in 2010 an entrepreneur from a rural area of NC came on to show his collapsable truck rack. He was committed not to necessarily build a company, but to try and create a manufacturing job for his local community. Hit by the terrible economy his efforts were heart warming, admirable, and inspirational. So much so it brought just about every Shark to tears, even Mr. Wonderful Kevin O’leary. He unfortunately was only given a lot of encouragement instead of an investment, but in this episode I share the great advice given.

Links from show:





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