
How I blew a sale over the phone, and couldn’t be happier – episode 180

How I blew a sale over the phone, and couldn’t be happier – episode 180
How I blew a sale over the phone, and couldn't be happier - episode 180

In this episode I play a phone conversation that I had with a subscriber to our newsletter that has been listening to our podcast, and receiving our newsletter for over a year now. What you will hear is him declining to onboard with us to start using our systems, software, and consulting. After a 20 min coaching call, and being able to speak with him, I could not be happier for him, and think he’s on his way to making more than he’s ever made before. I know, I didn’t close a sale so how could I be happy? Listen now.

Show Notes:

Register for our Live Webinar mentioned in the show – Click Here

If you are listening to this podcast after July 11th the live training session above, simply go to the top right hand corner of and type in the search bar “pour value”. In this webinar I will show you how you can get paid to simply help, pour value, and give to others with never having to sell anything.

Don’t get stuck on stupid – podcast with

Don’t get stuck on stupid – podcast with
Don't get stuck on stupid - podcast with

Ron White said, “you can’t fix stupid”, and Aristophanes said, “stupid is forever”, but what you and I decide will determine our future. We’ve all been in places before where if we are honest wasn’t the wisest places to be in. Whether in financial, business, or family situations in life, we’ve all been there. In this episode I go over how I got unstuck from stupid, and so can you!

Show Notes: get connected with top coaches to take your business to the next level to download a free audiobook from Amazon to download free training material

Help to cut your food cost down to nothing, or very little. podcast with

Help to cut your food cost down to nothing, or very little. podcast with
Help to cut your food cost down to nothing, or very little. podcast with

Have you noticed how expensive food has become? Many people can get real help from not only government agencies, but private agencies to lower their food bill but are unaware of these programs. Did you know companies give food away all the time to keep their inventory fresh. Whether you are in dire straights, or would just like to control more of your food bill this program can help. I also go into how you can make a living helping other people just like me with their food bill, income needs, and other means. Learn now to help, and poor value into others and get paid.

Listen now.

Show Notes