You may think you need to have technical skills to succeed with social selling on LinkedIn. However, the truth is, you have had the skills necessary for effective social selling since grade school, and you can easily tap into them again. Activating these skills will help you to succeed […]…
6 Tech Trends That Are Transforming Careers
It was only a few short years ago when consumers viewed technology as a way to supplement their everyday lives, including their careers. Fast forward to the present day, and many of these same individuals can’t even imagine a life without their smartphone, high-speed internet and Wi-Fi connectivity. While […]…
Sometimes it takes a face to face meeting – Episode 219
I believe podcasting and my webinars are responsible for 99.9% of my business, but there are some things that just take a face to face. While I enjoy the comforts of working from home, and the ability to scale my business through digital online marketing tools and assets, they can not replace the energy & electricity of a live meeting.
In this episode I share how I intend to help people this year take their business to the next level through offering a special conference in March.
Show Notes:
7 Ways High Income Earners are Helped by Gratitude – Episode 207
For most people a grateful attitude is something that is strived for to be a better person, or to achieve a certain level of spiritual maturity, but that’s not the only benefits. In this episode I show you 7 ways gratitude will help you increase your income and enjoyment in your professional life as well. See how high income earners of $250k and more use these 7 benefits of gratitude to secure and maintain their levels of income and success.
Links to show:
Terry’s new book, “You Are Worth More”. CLICK to get a free copy
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After 200 Episodes what I’ve learned – Episode 200
If someone would’ve told me that I would be producing webinars and podcast for a living a few years ago I would have thought they were crazy. I’ve always enjoyed speaking and teaching, but making a living by speaking into a microphone from home just seems too good to be true. After years of doing this and over 2800 reps who I’ve equipped to do the same I can say this is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had.
In this episode I cover a highlight of the last 200 episodes and show your our humble beginning in posting podcast.
27 Influencer Marketing Resources You Can Actually Trust
The internet is a big ole place with tons of information. Some of it’s great, some of it…not so much. One of the cool things about online marketing methods like influencer marketing is that they’re easy to learn for free, on your own time, with resources you find online. […]…
How a Hurricane Matthew Survivor made $4000 with – Episode 197
You know we all can come up with excuses from time to time of why a personal goal is not met. Listen to how a new member of was able to make close to $4000 in just a few days and dodge Hurricane Matthew as it ripped though his home town of Jacksonville, FL.
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Hiring Lessons From The Company Adding More Than 15,000 Employees In One Year
[Photo: Flickr user David Reber] If recruiting, vetting, hiring, and onboarding even one qualified employee is a difficult task, then hiring more than 15,000 may seem beyond the realm of possibility. Yet EY will have to do just that over the next 12 months. The multinational professional services firm, […]…
“Failure is good,” and 99 other lessons from top business leaders
When you’re focused on growing, it’s easy to get swept up in forward momentum. You’ve got your eyes on the next block to tackle, the next mountain to summit, the next pothole to avoid. It’s not often that you take the time to pause and reflect how far you’ve […]…
Here’s Why Social Media Marketing Works On A Startup Budget
Photo: © bernardbodo, YFS Magazine Photo: Matt “Handshakin” Holmes, Creator of Handshakin Video Series; Source: Courtesy Photo Social media is the future of marketing, there is no doubt. Last month, Gary Vaynerchuk pointed out that the $85B industry that makes up television ads cannot measure sales like Facebook Ads […]…