Congratulations to Donna for her $2400 in sales in 2 weeks with

I love seeing new reps on-board with us and take off. Yes it’s a feather in our cap, but more importantly it will reassure them that their dreams, financial goals, and professional ambitions are possible. So far in October we have seen hundreds of new reps come on with TW3 and several of them already find tremendous success.

Donna a new client of mine just closed on her 2nd ELT coaching client and has now earned just in new coaching client sales $2400 in under 2 weeks. This doesn’t count for her RMP business, nor passive income from sales reps she has brought on.

How did she do it? By using our platform of software and systems the way we train. She has as many people as she wants to speak with calling her and never having to cold call them. Driving calls to our call center and automating the qualifying process she only speaks to people who need, wants, and can afford what she offers. The beautiful thing is she helps the other leads as well and earns a commission with them as well.

Here is an info graphic of how she did it!

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