Episode 323 – Success Leaves Clues

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Episode 323 - Success Leaves Clues

Everything great can certainly be achieved if it has been achieved before. If a man who was cut from his HS basketball team can then go on to be an NBA legend and super star then other kids who’ve at first failed can succeed for sure. If the 4 min mile can be obtained by one runner then it can be obtained by other runners. And yes if this ol’ boy who dropped out of college after a few weeks, was a C student in school, raised in the 9th poorest county in the US by a single mom can find entrepreneurial success, then I certainly believe anyone can as well.

Tonight we are talking about how “Success Leaves Clues”

Our special guest on the show tonight is Spencer Senn. Spencer is not a brand new rep but a newer rep who has come on recently and found pretty quick success with the TW3 platform and is a wonderful coach and trainer that has helped others take control of their income and career. We will have in with us shortly.

He like so many others are leveraging the tools, training, and technology at TW3 take their income and career to new levels. I invited some of our Reps to call in and leave us a message about their experience thus far. We will be playing over the next few shows to give an idea of what is possible.






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