Still Buzzing from the 2019 You Are Worth More Conference

The greatest feeling in the world has to be seeing someone else who has invested their trust in you be richly rewarded for it. Last years conference we saw a great number of attendees find success from coming to the conference. This year and only less than a week after the conference has been over we’ve already seen 5 people take off. These are people who were just starting their business in various fields finding immediate success less than a week after coming to this years conference. WOW!!!

Here are some fun photo’s from the conference!


One thought on “Still Buzzing from the 2019 You Are Worth More Conference

  1. Chris Miller

    My time with TW3 has been short, but so inspiring. I started as a SR&T and upgraded later to the Elite level once I got in and learned of the sheer power of this company and the information within. Information I have used in my own business to generate $34,000 now in the 4 months since I joined TW3.

    The conference was amazing! (I’m the guy with the bow-ties) I spent $500 for my hotel, $200 for the drive, and $200 for my ticket to the conference. With my decision to upgrade, I spend about $4,000 all in all while there. I tell you this because here, just a couple of weeks later, I have already earned $7,000 in new business since the trip and got some AMAZING ideas that are going to gain me a whole lot more by year’s end.

    Thank you Terry, Gary, and all. We are worth more, and I am living the example!

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