Congratulations to a New Rep on First Year in Business

I want to give a special shout out to a rep who has been with us for a year now on making 4 sales in just under a week this past week. What’s interesting and unique about his story is this is his first 4 sales too!

You may be thinking then why is this a highlighted story? Because this is a story of success, how? Simple.

You see this rep is like many who join a business opportunity and statistically the norm. Forbes Magazine says 98% of startups and home businesses fail. So starting a business and not finding success is the norm. So why is this a story to promote?

I’m promoting this story because it shows what it takes to succeed in business, and especially online. What this rep did for 11 1/2 months is to do business his way. He skipped over several steps we recommended. He didn’t target leads the way we train, nor did generate the volume of leads we show. Then he heard me say I am offering a 90 Day Money Made Guarantee at TW3. The news of this irritated him but it also compelled him to take the offer. After 11 1/2 months of not finding any success and enrolling would be free, he rightly decided that he had nothing to lose.

He enrolled into the program the next week it was announced and by the following week made 4 sales, made 35 referrals, and netted $2350 in profits. What made the difference? Using a proven system and strategy that works.

You see a person can buy a hammer and never use it the way the manufacturer suggest and only end up with mashed fingers. What I try to do for my clients is not only equip them with cutting edge tools that will generate leads and buyers for their business, but a strategy that I guarantee will bring success.

Take your income to the next level. Are you tired of calling on your friends, family, and foes to try and peddle some pill, thrill, lotion, or potion? Then you are ready for the TW3 difference. If you are a victor and not a victim, a winner and not a winer, and a person who is ready to get what they’re worth then we are ready for you.

Apply today at

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