The imperative of purpose both personally and professionally

The idea of purpose generally speaking is one that has most recently been frequented in evangelical circles from a book written by Rick Warren made popular by a real life kidnapping situation in Atlanta GA and then later made into a movie. I highly recommend getting a copy of it if you haven’t yet read it. You can get a free audio copy of it at

However the idea of purpose should not simply be regulated to theological and philosophical ideas, but a real tangible, and practical mandate to manage our day to day lives with. Most people at some point find themselves either burned out, frustrated, or overwhelmed by their day to day lives. Why? I would argue it is because they are trying to engage in activities that do not harmonize, nor resonate with their purpose. You may make a decent living as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, preacher, or whatever, but are you fulfilled? Are you at the end of the day leaving it with a feeling of destiny. I truly believe when you engage your purpose both personally and professionally you will see 4 things start to happen.

  1. Direction – No longer do you feel like you’re just aimlessly wandering around, but you have a reason and direction you are heading in and towards. Nothing in life is more frustrating then when you are traveling and not really understanding where you are, where you’ve been, and where you are headed. Purpose will be a North Star that will guide you even in the darkness of settings.
  2. Management – Having a deep sense of purpose will allow you to manage your day to day activities, meetings, and conversations. No longer will events manage you, but you’ll start regaining the power to manage events.
  3. Growth – Most people fail to see the growth they are capable of because the path they are on leads to burnout, which then leads to quitting, giving up, stoping, or major slow downs. Growth takes time, and time takes persistence. You will only find the energy to persist when you are engaged in your purpose.
  4. Legacy  – When you are building a personal and professional life around your purpose you are building a work, a business, a life that will impact generations of people after you. From the Rockefeller’s to the Carnegie’s, history is rich of families who built wealth by building a dynasty. Those dynasties in most cases were because someone captured and capitalized their purpose.

What’s your purpose? If you don’t know let us help. We offer a free assessment to help you take your money, business, and life to the next level.



The 4 Benefits of Building your Personal and Professional Life with Purpose – Episode 236

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