Do you have Monday Mourning? Episode 292

Do you have Monday Mourning? Episode 292

Most American’s are Unhappy with their Job

According to Susan Adams of Forbes Magazine a majority of US employees just simply do not like their job and report a dissatisfaction in 3 distinct areas.

  1. Work Pay
  2. Work Type
  3. Work Time

When it comes to pay most are obviously wanting to earn more, but ironically that’s not the largest deterrent to their pay satisfaction. The greatest driver of pay dissatisfaction is the feeling of not being able to grow and advance. For many the initial pay was agreeable if the hope of being able to see a pathway to earn more was clear.

The second factor for dissatisfaction was the work type. Many found themselves doing a job and executing task for the simple exchange for money. While the primary reason for having a job is to be monetarily rewarded for the task, long term engagement and commitment to a job, business, or task requires more than just pay. With no sense of purpose in the work many found the job quickly becoming mundane, boring, and dread to do. The work environment also plays a huge role in staying engaged in the work type. Many reported that a menial task in a great work environment was more enjoyable than a challenging task in a poor work environment.

Life work balance was the third factor that many reported as a deterrent to the enjoyment of their job. Many of the higher income earning employees surveyed openly questioned whether the money was worth the time they were having to give up. If the value of money and a larger income is the ability to procure greater freedom, then the loss of time, and an unhealthy life work balance is actually undermining the very value being worked for.

While most agree that working for yourself is the most attractive idea in building a career, there are several hurdles that prevent so many from doing it. Some of these hurdles are real and some of them are simply conjured up by the imagination fueled by fear. As someone who has been self-employed for over 25 years and has helped thousands of others in the past 8 years do the same let me give you list of real hurdles and a list of made up hurdles. That way when it comes decision time for you to decide what is right for you and your family you will be doing so from a set of facts and not fiction.


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